About Us Banner

William C. Taylor

Founder/Executive Director

Carolyn Boston


Harry T. Martin

Vice President

DeAnna Banks


Zaequan Prailow


Norma Bullock

Laura Ellsworth

Verdell Whittington

Joan Crowder

Linwood R. Nelson

Cpl. Derek Deloatch

Erica Deloatch

Thomasine Green

Erica Smith

Our Objectives are:

  • Advocate for Training and Employment
  • Educate Students and Parents
  • Promote the increase of public safety academies in Prince George’s County.

Target Audience:

  • Students in the 9th through 12th grade and high school graduates.


CPSTS provides students and graduates with mentoring and related external experiences/activities; and serves as a liaison between students and public safety entities by providing students with the awareness of public safety careers as viable employment opportunities and by linking public safety entities with employment-ready candidates. Provide scholarships for certifications, driver’s education, physical training, purchase   uniforms, tools, volunteer opportunities and educational field trips for students.

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